Employment Discrimination

Employment Discrimination

Justice for Employment Discrimination

There are many forms of employment discrimination, all of which may be grounds for a valid lawsuit. Federal & Florida laws are clear regarding what is and is not allowed in the workplace, and those that discriminate against applicants, employees, and past employees can be held liable. If you have been the victim of employment discrimination, contact LAR Legal Group, today.


Defending Your Rights in the Workplace

Our lawyers have extensive trial experience and are strong advocates for justice. We are well-versed in Florida’s Labor and Employment Laws and assist clients in resolving and litigating various disputes that arise in the workplace. Victims of employment discrimination deserve compensation for the harm they suffer.

There are strict timelines for filing employment discrimination legal actions. The sooner you act, the better your chances of success. 


State Law Prohibiting Discrimination

Florida state and federal laws protect people from discrimination in certain classes with specific characteristics. The Florida Civil Human Rights Act of 1992 makes it illegal to discriminate against individuals because of age, race, religion, gender, disability, pregnancy, national origin, or marital status. This law prohibits discrimination in the workplace.


Examples of Unfair Treatment for Those in a Protected Class:

  • Wrongful termination
  • Wage and hour violations
  • Treating employees differently than others
  • Sexual harassment
  • Firing, refusing to hire, or taking adverse action against an employee
  • Creating a hostile work environment
  • Gender bias
  • Denying disability or maternity leave
  • Being passed over for a promotion
  • Exhibiting favoritism over professional merit


Strengthen Your Claim

Standing up for your rights involves gathering evidence to support a claim proactively. When an issue arises, file a formal complaint with the company for a possible resolution. It is helpful when building an employment discrimination case to establish a pattern. Log each conflict or act of discrimination and retain copies of e-mails and responses, citing details such as the incidents’ location, date, time, and context. Collect contact information from witnesses who may testify if needed. Finally, contact LAR Legal Group to guide you through every step of the process and take legal action.


Trust Our Employment Discrimination Attorneys to Protect Your Rights

Employment discrimination is a serious issue in Florida, and those victimized deserve justice. If you think you may have been the victim of unfair treatment, contact LAR Legal Group. Our experienced attorneys can help you investigate your claim, file the necessary paperwork, and represent you in negotiations and in the courtroom. Compensation may include current and back wages, lost benefits, emotional distress, and punitive damages.


Do Not Face Employment Discrimination Alone 

You can have confidence that our attorneys will strongly advocate for your rights. We will stand with you in the fight against employment discrimination, as we have helped countless others in the same situation. Contact LAR Legal Group,  at (877) 466-2133, or complete our inquiry form to schedule a Free Consultation with an attorney that cares.